Magnetic Material Can Realize Energy Non-contact Transformation2017/12/05Recently,director of the national guidance committee for the development of the national new materials industry,the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering said at the first China Summit on ...More
26mm powerful magnetic balls2017/12/06The powerful magnetic balls are with dimension of dia-26mm,the highest available property is N52.More
ferrite countersunk cup magnets2020/11/05Cup magnets are just assembled with magnets and steel cups by using epoxy glue,although they have the simplest structure,but are very widely used. Every shape of inner magnets and steel cups has a spe...More
D4x10mm diametral cylinder magnets2017/09/04The cylinder magnets on the picture are made as diameterly magnetized. Most of cylinder magnets are aixially magnetized, diametral cylinder magnets are made for special use, the D4x10mm diametral cyli...More
D8x1mm thin neodymium discs2017/09/06The disc magnet on the picture is made from neodymium magnetic material, the size is D8x1mm which is thin magnetic disk. The thin neodymium discs are mass used as speaker magnets and package magnets.More
35x4x2mm neodymium magnet bars2017/09/06As square neodymium magnets,the feature of neodymium magnet bars is that the length is too large compared with the other two dimension.The neodymium magnet bars on the picture measured as 35x4x2mm, an...More
D4x10mm axial cylinder magnets2017/09/04The cylinder magnets on the picture are made as axial magnetized. It is made from neodymium material, the magnetic poles are on the two tops of the neodymium cylinder magnets. The dimension of the cyl...More
D8x2mm small disc magnets2017/09/04The small disc magnets on the picture is made from neodymium magnetic material, the size is D8x2mm, and the surface treatment is nickel plating. The small disc neodymium magnets are used as motor magne...More