30x13.5x5mm neodymium channel magnets2017/09/21Channel magnets are magnets assemblies,based on the magnetic material used on them,channel magnets include ferrite channel magnet and neodymium channel magnets.The neodymium channel magnets are used t...More
Ø5x10mm cylinder neodymium magnets2018/06/29The cylinder magnets on the picture are axial magnetized. It is made from rare earth-neodymium magnetic material, the magnetic poles are on the two end of the cylinder magnets neodymium. The dimension...More
Ø5x13mm neodymium magnet rods2017/09/05The magnet rods on the picture are axial magnetized. It is made from rare earth-neodymium magnetic material, the magnetic poles are on the two end of the neodymium magnet rods. The dimension of the cy...More
D8x3mm small neodymium discs2017/09/06The disc magnets on the picture is made from neodymium magnet material, the size is D8x3mm, and the surface treatment is Nickel-plating. The small neodymium discs can be used for kinds of electronics...More
30x10x2mm neodymium magnet blocks2017/09/06Neo magnet blocks are much stronger than ceramic magnet blocks.By using neo magnet blocks,many products are much smaller than that use ceramic magnets.The dimension of the neo magnet blocks on the pic...More
Neodymium-iron-boron: Is The Technology Of Oozing Dy Out Yet?2017/08/14This is Japan technology forced out by China in 2010 when the rare earth price craze increased. in fact, it was in order to save money by reduce the use of Dy. Japanese experts said there were to meth...More
D8x4mm neodymium disc magnets2017/09/06The disk magnets on the picture is made from neodymium magnet material, the size is D8x4mm, and the surface treatment is Nickel-plating. The neodymium disks can be used for kinds of electronics and ...More
20x20x10mm square neodymium magnets2017/09/06The square magnets on the picture is made from neodymium magnetic material, the dimension of the square neodymium magnet is 20x20x10mm,it is a common size for square magnets,it can be used on magneti...More
Ø8x8mm neodymium magnetic rods2017/09/06The magnetic rods on the picture are axial magnetized. It is made from rare earth-neodymium magnetic material, the magnetic poles are on the two end of the neodymium magnetic rods. The dimension of th...More
Types And Development Of Permanent Magnet Materials2018/08/14There are many types of permanent magnetic materials and they are widely used.The permanent magnetic materials used at present mainly go through three stages: metal permanent magnetic material, ferrit...More
D8x5mm rare earth disc magnets2017/09/22The disc magnets on the pictures measured D8x5mm,they are made from rare earth neodymium.Compared with ferrite disc magnets,the same size of rare earth neo discs are much stronger.More