D10xd4x5 mm NdFeB ring magnets2018/06/11The ring magnets on the picture is made from ndfeb magnetic material. The size of the NdFeB ring magnets is D 10 x d 4 x 5 mm. With axially magnetized, the magnetic poles are on the two flat surface. ...More
bonded neodymium rings2018/07/20The anticorrosion performance of bonded neodymium magnets is better than sintered neodymium magnets.More
teflon coated tube magnets2019/06/13Teflon coated tube magnets are used when health and environmental protection strictly demanded.With teflon coating on the tube magnets,they have many useful properties.More
50x50x10mm block neodymium magnets2020/04/1450 x 50 x 10 mm block rare-earth neodymium magnets which have high magnetic performance,and widely used in modern industry.More